Terms of Membership
Becoming a Member
1. Anyone who is interested in supporting the development and activities of The Newsome Centre can apply to be a Member if invited by the Board. They must complete the application form on the website (or via paper copy) and agree to their data being kept in line with our Members Privacy Policy (located at the bottom of this page).
2. The Board (using its delegated powers) will decide who is accepted as Members. A register of Members will be maintained by the Membership Secretary.
3. Members will be expected to pay a subscription annually. Once applications are received the Membership Secretary will be in contact with applicants. The fee is currently set at £10 but may increase in the future at the discretion of the Board.
4. The Board may use its discretion to offer Membership to applicants who cannot afford to pay a subscription in return for other support.
5. Any member who does not renew their annual subscription within 14 days of the renewal date of pay will be deemed to have resigned and be removed from the Members register. They can reapply for Membership unless explicitly excluded.
6. The Board has total discretion on withdrawing Membership of anyone considered to be in breach of Newsome Centre’s expectations of its Members (see below).
Benefits of Membership
7. Members have one vote each at AGMs and at any Special Members Meetings called according to the Society’s rules.
8. Members can join Working Groups of Newsome Centre to contribute to their decision making and the work they do.
9. Members can volunteer to carry out work for the Centre as per the Volunteering Policy.
10. Discounts on ticket prices or other reductions may be made for Members at the discretion of the Board.
11. Members will be kept informed of events, programmes or activities and may be offered priority booking for some of them.
12. Members can contribute financially to the Centre through donations in addition to their subscriptions.
Statement of Expectations
Newsome Centre wants all Members and people visiting the Centre to feel welcome, secure and respected and we expect our Members to help us achieve that by:
13. Newsome Centre Members are expected to be honest and trustworthy in any Centre activity they become involved in.
14. Members will comply with all current Policies and Procedures agreed by The Board.
15. Members will support inclusivity, equality and diversity of other Members and will respect the cultural, religious and personal beliefs of other Members.
16. Members will bring any concerns about risks, hazards and difficulties which may arise for them in undertaking Centre activities to the attention of a Working Group leader or the Board.
Click for the Newsome Centre Privacy Policy for Members.